Monday, June 9, 2008

Get Challenged at the Mud Challenge

I think I will never ran out of stories to tell about the Boryeong Mud Festival. You see, ever since I went there four years ago, I've been going to the Mud Festival every year. And every year, I and my companions see to it that we enjoy more of one or two activities as highlights of that year's festival at least for us.

The first year, like I already said in my previous blog, my bestfriend and I joined the mud challenge and enjoyed the mud slide. The next year though, we spent more time in mud skiing. Okay, I know it's a bit childish but the challenge of having to impossibly ski through the mud and get to a destination was what made it one hilarious activity for us. I'm not sure about how many times I fell but it sure was more than 5 times. Hahaha! I'm such a klutz but hey, the mud ski was really no joke.

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